March 2, 2013

My Next 5(?) {3}

Chuck was kind of attacking me the whole time so if I seem a little spazzy (more than usual, that is) that's why. Also, I still haven't quite mastered cutting stuff so some transitions are pretty rough, but here I am in all my dorky glory anyway!

My Six (yeah, still don't know how I miscounted that):
The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe
Also Known As by Robin Benway
Rage Within by Jeyn Roberts
Etiquette and Espionage by Gail Carriger
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green


  1. YAY! TFIOS and Pivot Point, to of the best books of EVER. I'm so glad you are reading those two! I'm kind of not reading anything... because I started a book I HATE. And that's not going well, it's going to have to be a DNF, and then I have to choose something else.
    Happy reading!

    ...for you to read THE FAULT IN OUR STARS!
    *flails* I am so excited for you to experience it for the first time!
    And Pivot Point is SO AWESOME. :D


I adore all the comments you write. They totally make my day :]